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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser 6000 Reviewed (Verdict: Good, Bad, Ugly)


Once in a full moon a very recognized peripheral company tries to revolutionize the world by releasing a different style of mice. The Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser 6000 fits that bill. Opening the box I was shocked by the odd shape. It is small, tall, bulky and heavy. But apparently there is a purpose for the mouse's shape. After a week of use, I was less than impressed. Our peripheral-loving blogbuddies over at EverythingUSB seem to think otherwise.

After the jump, find out why they love the mouse, and why I despise it.

Before we get to the good and bad, check out the way you are supposed to grip this thing. It's hard to explain, and even harder to pull off.


The Good
After getting used to the grip, the guys at EverythingUSB enjoyed the mouse.

The comfort provided is extraordinary so long as posture is maintained, and the Instant Viewer and Magnifier provided within IntelliPoint help improve productivity. The laser engine and smooth (but close-range) wireless performance make for a smooth mousing experience. Your wrists will love you for it. But be warned, slouchers and gamers will feel the pain from using this mouse, both ergonomically and through the non-ratcheting scroll wheel.

The Bad
Even after trying to get adapted to the "proper grip" on this odd potato-shaped mouse, it is still sucks and here is why. You have to maintain proper posture at all times while using this mouse correctly or it gets uncomfortable, fast. I even had to raise the height on my chair so my arm could be straight and not bracing on the table. How many of you out there actually sit properly 100 percent of the time while at a computer? That's what I thought. And when you slouch, lean back or anything, the mouse gets really awkward, really fast.

Secondly, the mouse wheel doesn't click, at all. Any of the gamers out there share my pain. If anything, give us one of those semi-clicks that is mostly fluid but still has clicks. And don't even get me started on trying to snipe without my hand bracing the desk.

Thirdly, it is old-school battery powered. If the 6000 is supposed to tout itself as a high end laser mouse, what's the deal with no rechargeable battery pack. I supposed you could put in generic rechargeable AAs, but it's not the same as having a nice little dock.

Give it a test-run. Go to Staples, Best Buy or many of the other computer peripheral stores to get your hands on this mouse before purchasing. It could be your worst nightmare (like mine) or it could become your new best friend (like EverythingUSB). This mouse will be available later this month and is expected to cost well over $50.

Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 [Everything USB]


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